Mid 1995 the wife of Dr. Sam Baxas developed chest pains and underwent a balloon angioplasty. Six weeks later her chest pain came back. She underwent another balloon angioplasty and six weeks later, the chest pains returned. Looking for an alternative treatment Dr. Sam stumbled on an old remedy from Germany. His wife Heidi was the first patient to receive what is now known as Plaquex therapy and her chest pains vanished. With regular maintenance therapy they never came back. Dr. Sam began treating other patients and was surprised how much better this treatment worked than chelation therapy. He told colleagues about this amazing discovery and began supplying them. Today, 25 years later there are hundreds of doctors in the US and around the world who use Plaquex and tens of thousands of patients have been treated. Today his daughters carry on the task to spread the knowledge of Plaquex to doctors and patients.
The Plaquex® Formula has been in use for the past 70 years in about one-fourth of the world's countries1. It was originally developed to dissolve fatty embolus during and after trauma surgery. It is also used to treat liver and kidney disease2.
In the 1990's the use shifted to treating plaque deposits. The treatment was mostly done in combination with EDTA chelation infusions. Since then results have been so dramatic, that it has become a treatment in its own right.
Not only is the Plaquex® Formula used to remove fatty and hardened plaque from blood vessels, it is also applied for general anti aging purposes1. By observing their patients, many doctors discovered that the patients started looking younger and healthier after they have had about 20 treatments. It has applications in liver and kidney disease, protecting the stomach lining from NSAID damage and in Psoriasis patients.
In 2006 Plaquex® Oral Gel Capsules were added to the treatment regimen. They are used in between IV treatment sessions and after the infusion series is completed.
Chosen for their uncompromising quality and superior performance, AnazaoHealth® looks forward to sharing more than two decades of experience with you. Their staff of pharmacists, technicians and account managers are available to answer your questions about preparations, ordering and delivery.
AnazaoHealth® is fully licensed to provide prescriptions in all 50 states. Plaquex is made in AnazaoHealth's 503 B Outsourcing Facility for office use. We encourage you to learn more about them by visiting their website at www.anazaohealth.com.
Smith's Pharmacy in Toronto, Ontario, Canada has recently become the authorized Plaquex compounding pharmacy for Canada.Their website is https://smithspharmacy.ca/.
This website will provide you with help to find basic information, detailed studies, important contact information and to answer frequently asked questions regarding the original Plaquex® product.
1 Elevation of HDL, LDL, and liver enzymes in the beginning which normalize with continuing treatment
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